Featured Articles ~ Intentional Christianity

What you should know...

Intentional Christianity is all about taking the teachings of Jesus Christ and finding ways to intentionally live them out in every step of life. It's not enough to read your Bible, pray, and go to church. There has to be a living out of what you're taking in, and this blog will help give you some practical ideas to do that.

Christ's teachings were clear, simple, and concise, and that's how you'll find the posts on this blog to be. You can expect to find two articles a week, and you can subscribe to have updates sent via Email or via RSS (What is RSS?).

To get the gist of what Intentional Christianity is all about, you should start here and take a look at these featured articles.

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Posted on : 10:56 PM | By : Andrew Randazzo
If you're new to this site, you might be wondering where I'm coming from and why I use the word "intentional" so much.  I picked out a few articles that are really the driving core of what I'm trying to get at.  To some of you it may seem radical, to some perhaps absurd, and then hopefully to others it will be refreshing.

People have two natural bents.  One tends to be very intellectual while the second is more practical.  That's in every area of life, not just spirituality, but when it comes to Christiandom it's important that we work on creating a balance between conditioning our minds and acting upon our thoughts.

So, in my posts I try to include theological thoughts that are followed by very practical ideas.  Such as: