Watch Your Mouth ~ Intentional Christianity

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Watch Your Mouth


Posted on : 9:01 AM | By : Andrew Randazzo
I was talking to a family this past week, and we were having a good time together. Well, I guess I got a little too comfortable because the humor started getting a little off color. It wasn't completely inappropriate but nonetheless, the family was a little surprised.

Here's my point. We come from different backgrounds and subcultures that have their normalicies. The story I was talking about would have been perfectly acceptable at school in mixed company. What I failed to realize was that I wasn't at school, the company was diversified in age, and what college students find as funny isn't what a mom or 10yr old find funny.

All I'm trying to say is think before you speak. I know I have a harder time with that than a lot of people, but I think anyone can fall into the same mistake I did. Just be conscious of your surroundings and make sure you're not just thinking about what's appropriate for you, but more importantly what the others around you consider appropriate.

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