James 4:6
Intentional Christianity is all about taking the teachings of Jesus Christ and finding ways to intentionally live them out in every step of life. It's not enough to read your Bible, pray, and go to church. There has to be a living out of what you're taking in, and this blog will help give you some practical ideas to do that.
Christ's teachings were clear, simple, and concise, and that's how you'll find the posts on this blog to be. You can expect to find two articles a week, and you can subscribe to have updates sent via Email or via RSS (What is RSS?).
To get the gist of what Intentional Christianity is all about, you should start here and take a look at these featured articles.
Holiness…extends to every part of our persons, fills up our being, spreads over our life, influences everything we are, or do, or think, or speak, or plan, small or great, outward or inward, negative or positive, our loving, our hating, our sorrowing, our rejoicing, our recreations, our business, our friendships, our relationships, our silence, our speech, our reading, our writing, our going out and our coming in - our whole man in every movement of spirit, soul, and body.Reading your Bible is good, it is the source of knowledge for how to live out holiness; but it is our responsibility to intentionally apply that knowledge to every area of our life. Do you want to get over that spiritual block? Holiness is what "gives vitality, purpose, meaning, and direction to daily living" (Thomas Watson). The problem is that we see a verse like Philippians 4:8 that says whatever is excellent....think on these things or Ephesians 4:29 that says we should only say things that are building up, and we think (subconsciously) to ourselves, "That's a good guideline and it'll be good when I do that sometimes, but if everything I do is excellent or building up, that means I couldn't do or say xyz." And there ends the thought process, and we move on in life because we don't want to accept how much change we'd actually have to make in our lives.
"Glorifying God is an intentional pursuit. We don't accidentally drift into holiness; rather, we mature gradually and purposefully, one choice at a time." (Anonymous)Intentional living is paramount when it comes to holiness. It's taking the Bible literally and radically conforming ourselves to it. When you start radically conforming to Scripture, it is so revitalizing as you begin to feel a fulfillment in your spiritual life.
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