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Intentional Christianity is all about taking the teachings of Jesus Christ and finding ways to intentionally live them out in every step of life. It's not enough to read your Bible, pray, and go to church. There has to be a living out of what you're taking in, and this blog will help give you some practical ideas to do that.
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Posted on :
9:39 AM
| By :
Andrew Randazzo
Some great thoughts that really jive with the philosophy of this site.
Posted on :
3:50 PM
| By :
Andrew Randazzo
| In :
I got a text right before I got off work yesterday from a friend who was struggling with something and needed to talk about it. I met this guy 3wk ago and only met with him once, but now he's calling me wanting to talk. He's a college student, so I drove out to the campus to meet him.
We took a walk around campus, played some pool, went out for dinner, and I even helped him with some of his homework. All the while, I kept brining up spiritual things with him by taking his worldview and continually comparing it to what the Bible says.
At one point I was talking about who God is and his authority and the consequence for those who don't submit to His authority. He was shocked to hear me say that if someone isn't a Christian they would go to hell. I was shocked that he was shocked by that statement.
Not only does he claim to have a roommate who is a "pious" Christian, but he also hangs out a lot with a Christian fellowship on campus; yet he's never heard what I had just told him. It was a stark reminder to me that we take the Gospel for granted in that we assume because we live in America, everyone knows who God and Jesus are and that if you don't believe in Them you won't go to heaven but hell.
My point is this, it's no one's responsibility but our own to share the Gospel with others, even if they say they go to church or are even active members. Let's not assume that they have the same understanding of the Gospel that we do. We must intentionally share the Gospel with everyone including leaders in ministry because weren't the Pharisees the most knowledgeable spiritual leaders of their day?
Enough said. No excuses. Go tell someone.
We took a walk around campus, played some pool, went out for dinner, and I even helped him with some of his homework. All the while, I kept brining up spiritual things with him by taking his worldview and continually comparing it to what the Bible says.
At one point I was talking about who God is and his authority and the consequence for those who don't submit to His authority. He was shocked to hear me say that if someone isn't a Christian they would go to hell. I was shocked that he was shocked by that statement.
Not only does he claim to have a roommate who is a "pious" Christian, but he also hangs out a lot with a Christian fellowship on campus; yet he's never heard what I had just told him. It was a stark reminder to me that we take the Gospel for granted in that we assume because we live in America, everyone knows who God and Jesus are and that if you don't believe in Them you won't go to heaven but hell.
My point is this, it's no one's responsibility but our own to share the Gospel with others, even if they say they go to church or are even active members. Let's not assume that they have the same understanding of the Gospel that we do. We must intentionally share the Gospel with everyone including leaders in ministry because weren't the Pharisees the most knowledgeable spiritual leaders of their day?
Enough said. No excuses. Go tell someone.
Posted on :
10:34 AM
| By :
Andrew Randazzo
I was reading How To Help People Change by Jay Adams, and I came across a verse he referenced in a counseling situation. It hit me like a ton of bricks. Here's what it said:
Since Jesus went through everything you're going through and more, learn to think like him. Think of your sufferings as a weaning from that old sinful habit of always expecting to get your own way. Then you will be able to live out your days free [from sin] to pursue what God wants instead of being tyrannized by what you want. (1 Peter 4:1,2 - The Message)Don't let the devil deceive you into believing that some sins are too strong. We have God's promise that we can be free from EVERY sin. Pray for His strength and begin living FREE!!!
Posted on :
9:01 AM
| By :
Andrew Randazzo

Here's my point. We come from different backgrounds and subcultures that have their normalicies. The story I was talking about would have been perfectly acceptable at school in mixed company. What I failed to realize was that I wasn't at school, the company was diversified in age, and what college students find as funny isn't what a mom or 10yr old find funny.
All I'm trying to say is think before you speak. I know I have a harder time with that than a lot of people, but I think anyone can fall into the same mistake I did. Just be conscious of your surroundings and make sure you're not just thinking about what's appropriate for you, but more importantly what the others around you consider appropriate.
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