We took a walk around campus, played some pool, went out for dinner, and I even helped him with some of his homework. All the while, I kept brining up spiritual things with him by taking his worldview and continually comparing it to what the Bible says.
At one point I was talking about who God is and his authority and the consequence for those who don't submit to His authority. He was shocked to hear me say that if someone isn't a Christian they would go to hell. I was shocked that he was shocked by that statement.
Not only does he claim to have a roommate who is a "pious" Christian, but he also hangs out a lot with a Christian fellowship on campus; yet he's never heard what I had just told him. It was a stark reminder to me that we take the Gospel for granted in that we assume because we live in America, everyone knows who God and Jesus are and that if you don't believe in Them you won't go to heaven but hell.
My point is this, it's no one's responsibility but our own to share the Gospel with others, even if they say they go to church or are even active members. Let's not assume that they have the same understanding of the Gospel that we do. We must intentionally share the Gospel with everyone including leaders in ministry because weren't the Pharisees the most knowledgeable spiritual leaders of their day?
Enough said. No excuses. Go tell someone.
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